Convocation 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

Our annual convocation is the perfect place to make a true connection with our members. NACPA is proud to be able to offer this annual event, not only as a space for members to learn, commune and connect with each other, but as a space where our members can meet with vendors who offer exemplary solutions for their specific Church Human Resources needs. As a close-knit community, our members rely on each other for advice and referrals when choosing new vendors. When you attend NACPA convocation, you not only enjoy the opportunity of creating a bond with our attending members, your organization will also be represented, via attendee experiences and recommendations throughout the year, as other members come in need of your services.

DIAMOND: Contributions of $10,000 or more

As a Diamond member, sponsors receive a double full-page ad in the printed (and digital) convocation program, a special salute from NACPA leadership at the opening and closing ceremonies, and year-long recognition on the Sponsors webpage. Diamond sponsors are invited to co-host the Awards Banquet and introduce one breakout-session speaker. In addition, the Diamond sponsor will receive an Event App Banner and placement in the online Event App Exhibit Hall. (Live Exhibit Hall Booth require an additional registration and fee)

PLATINUM: Contributions between $5,000 - $9,999

As a Platinum member, sponsors receive a full-page ad in the printed (and digital) convocation program, a salute from NACPA leadership at the opening and closing ceremonies and year-long recognition on the Sponsors webpage. Platinum sponsors are invited to introduce one of the plenary speakers and one breakout-session speaker. In addition, the Platinum sponsor receive gratis placement in the online Event App Exhibit Hall. (Live Exhibit Hall Booth require an additional registration and fee)

GOLD: Contributions between $2,500 - $4,999

As a Gold member, sponsors receive a half-page ad in the printed (and digital) convocation program, a special salute from NACPA leadership at the opening ceremonies and year-long recognition on the Sponsors webpage as well as receive gratis placement in the online Event App Exhibit Hall. (Live Exhibit Hall Booth require an additional registration and fee)

SILVER: Contributions between $1,000 - $2,499

As a Silver member, sponsors receive written recognition in the convocation program, a salute from NACPA leadership at the opening and closing ceremonies and year-long recognition on the Sponsors webpage.

FRIEND: Contributions between $250 - $999

As a Friend, sponsors receive written recognition in the convocation program and year-long recognition on the Sponsors webpage. Friends help support speaker gifts and general operating costs.

Exhibitor Full Information Page

2025 Exhibitor/Sponsorship Rules and Regulations*** (PDF of Below)

Register as a 2025 NACPA Sponsor Only

Included in the exhibit fee is a 6’ x 30” skirted table, two chairs, full participation in non-breakout session event offerings, for two representatives of the exhibiting organization; including the opening reception, opening liturgy, morning prayer, two plenary sessions, Monday evening happy hour, two continental breakfasts, and the closing Awards Banquet Tuesday night. Only Exhibiting Vendors will receive the NACPA Attendee Contact List (End of Feb 1st Release)

Included in Exhibitor Registration - $2500

  • Exhibit Booth in Live Exhibit Hall
  • Registration for two Representatives:
  • Participation in all Events
  • Breakfast Monday, Tuesday
  • Closing Banquet Awards Dinner 

Additional to Registration

  • Extra Representatives - $200/ea
  • Electrical Booth Access $75 
  • Printed and Digital Program Ads - Full Page $250, Half Page $155 (onsite vendors)
  • Various Opportunities for NACPA App Presence
  • Sponsorship Tiers as well as Sponsoring the Liturgy Bus and NACPA App Game

Exhibitor/Sponsorship Rules and Regulations

  • Exhibitors are responsible for booking their own hotel rooms, even if you are also a presenting speaker.
  • While NACPA and its membership is thankful for support in any denomination, vendors wishing to attend NACPA Convocation must purchase an Exhibit Booth to gain admittance.
  • Providing non-exhibiting sponsorship does not permit representatives of organizations to attend any part of NACPA Convocation, including events.
  • Exhibitor Representatives are only allowed to attend breakout sessions of colleagues or partner clients with their approval.
  • Only Exhibiting Vendors will receive the NACPA Attendee Contact List
  • Exhibit Booth assignments will be released upon check-in and we will connect you with your shipped materials.
  • You are not allowed to procure a table for yourself without specific authorization from Project Managers Jessica Randazzo or Jillian Green. If a booth is setup before this time, the booth will be dismantled and materials stowed in the locked NACPA office until the proper time. NACPA will not be held responsible or liable for any missing or damaged items due to this process.

Exhibit Hall Hours: See Exhibit Packet for specific times the booths must be staffed
Exhibit Set Up Sun 1:30 - 4 PM All boxes need to be retrieved by 3PM on Sunday, April 27th, the room will be locked an unavailable after this time until the conclusion of the Opening Ceremonies.

Sun 6 PM - 8 PM
Mon 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM (Exhibit Hall Social Mon Evening 5 - 5:30 PM)
Tue 7:00 AM - 2:45 PM (Exhibit Hall Closes after second concurrent sessions begin after lunch, and pack up may begin for exhibitors)

NACPA 2025 Attendee Reservations may be canceled with a refund of fees paid less $700 upon receipt of cancellation prior to March 1, 2025. Due to contractual and other commitments made by NACPA, no refund will be made for cancellations received after March 1, 2025.

***By registering as a NACPA 2025 Exhibitor and or Sponsor, you agree to these terms and conditions.


NACPA Convocation Site