NACPA Annual Convocation
NACPA Convocation OverviewNACPA's annual convocation allows members to learn from experts in HR and the world of HR in the Church; from those who have succeeded in creating a better and more prosperous environment, through the field of HR, within their communities. During the three-day meeting, delegates attend a spirited Opening Ceremony, uplifting prayer services, and networking opportunities. They will hear from outstanding Plenary speakers; select 4 compelling breakout sessions, from a choice of 12; participate in a hot topic round table (out of 3), welcoming forums, as well as post-session and speaker chats, and will be able to meet face-to-face with vendors specific to the fields of HR and HR within the Catholic Church. Our Attendees
Program AgendaThe Conference will begin on Sunday, April 27, with several optional activities throughout the day, before our Opening Ceremony and Social in the evening. We begin each morning with breakfast, daily liturgy and morning prayer where all are welcome. Sessions then begin with an opening Plenary which is followed by a long break (a great time to stretch your legs and get to know our wonderful vendors!) the first of our four breakout session blocks (3 to choose from at each block), presented by experts in our field. Then NACPA Members convene for a plated luncheon while the NACPA Board presents their report to members and any open Board positions are voted on. One last breakout session block will end our official time that day and then we swing into a short Happy Hour, in the Exhibit Hall, where we begin to unwind and show our thanks to the Diocese of Salt Lake City- before people head out into the city for dinners and time to explore the town. Tuesday begins in the same manner, but after the first breakout session block of the day attendees are welcome to explore the city for lunch (many close options). We then offer an afternoon breakout session block and then the concluding block of the day our attendees can choose between three sessions in the style of our OnDemand Discussion Series; an expert (or panel of) will introduce and present a short overview on a topic and then open the floor for discussions and questions - a great place to tie up any loose ends from the week! Tuesday evening, we come together one last time to celebrate the week and reflect on our time together with our Closing Social and the 2025 Awards Banquet. It's joyous time for attendees; members, non-members, supportive exhibitors and sponsors alike, to come together and recognize those in our community who have given graciously in the support of our members and community. Thanks to our gracious exhibitors and sponsors, we speckle the evening with fun and exciting raffles and prizes as well. For those who are still not ready to call it a night, we will host our 2nd NACPA Karaoke Party (back by popular demand), also at the hotel, to truly close out the week in rock n' roll style. All registration, events, meals, sessions, and the Exhibit Hall will take place at the Salt Lake City Marriott City Center. Breakfast and breaks will also be hosted in the Exhibit Hall. The Ballroom (Prayer, Daily Liturgy, Plenaries, Banquet) and the Breakout Session Rooms are all within the Exhibit Hall. SUN April 27
MON April 28
TUE April 29
Program Agenda Print Version - PDFPlenary Speakers
2025 Breakout SessionsConvocation RecertificationNACPA Convocation is a wonderful opportunity for Church HR Professionals to gain recertification credit hours from both HRCI and SHRM! Below were the credit hours an attendee could submit from attending NACPA 2024. Registrants must attend both Plenaries, and one session from each session block, including the Live OnDemand (Formerly Roundtables) to receive recertification.
Attendees receive the activity ID after the program concludes. Exhibitors & SponsorsOur annual convocation is the perfect place to make a true connection with our members. NACPA is proud to be able to offer this annual event, not only as a space for members to learn, commune and connect with each other, but as a space where our members can meet with vendors who offer exemplary solutions for their specific Church Human Resources needs. As a close-knit community, our members rely on each other for advice and referrals when choosing new vendors. When you attend NACPA convocation, you not only have the opportunity to create a bond with our attending members, your organization will also be represented, via attendee experiences and recommendations throughout the year, as other members come in need of your services. Included in the exhibit fee is a 6’ x 30” skirted table, two chairs, full participation in non-breakout session event offerings, for two representatives; including the opening reception, opening liturgy, morning prayer, two plenary sessions, Monday evening happy hour, two continental breakfasts, and the closing social and Awards Banquet Tuesday night. Registration will open Sun April 27 at 1 PM. Exhibits can be assembled on April 29 from 1 PM - 4 PM and can be dismantled after the concurrent sessions begin post lunch on Tue April 29 (not provided as many off-campus options), though we invite all exhibitors to attend the Social (6:30) and Banquet that evening at 7 PM. Spaces are limited this year - please don't delay Sample Convocation Schedule (From 2024) Convocation Exhibitor Information, Rules and Regulations Convocation Sponsorship Information NACPA 2025 Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration
PAST CONVOCATION HIGHLIGHTSConvocation 2024 - Kansas City, MO - April 14-16, 2024Convocation 2024 Full ProgramGratitude for a Joyous NACPA 2024!Our time in Kansas City was informative, spirited and rejuvenating! We are so pleased that it brought together 140 attendees, from 36 states, Washington, DC and Vancouver, Canada who came to us from as far as Alaska, Maine and Florida! Together, our community represented 15 archdioceses, 38 dioceses, 25 parishes, 11 religious communities, and representatives from several Catholic Charities, Catholic Cemeteries, and schools across the nation. Throughout our event we were graciously supported by our 27 exhibiting vendors and sponsors and their 50 on-site representatives. At our beautiful Opening Liturgy, we were welcomed by Bishop James V. Johnston, Jr. of Kansas City-St. Joseph at Visitation Church. We heard from two stellar Plenary Speakers who stirred both our bodies and souls, and attendees chose from 12 excellent breakout sessions lead by our expert speakers. For the first time, we provided morning mass on both Monday and Tuesday, as well as morning prayer. We had a marvelous Opening Social, accompanied by the jazzy Brant Jester Trio. We hosted 3 book-signings and delighted in our Monday evening Thank you Kansas City Happy Hour, sponsored by Mutual of America, where we sampled local beer and spirits. Our time together was topped like icing on a cake with a spectacular performance by St. Monica's Choir at our Closing Social followed by a delicious Banquet Awards Dinner where we celebrated each other and toasted our tremendous and deserving awardees. On Tuesday night we had our first ever on-site Karaoke After Party - where we let loose and were treated to great music and remarkable displays of talent (in signing, dancing, and comedic timing), it was a jubilant evening that imbodied the absolute good vibes and comradery of our entire week. Our sincere gratitude to the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph of Missouri and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and everyone on their teams for their hard work this year on behalf of all of NACPA. We also offer our great thanks to each of you for making the time to participate, especially to those who lent their time and talents as one of our expert speakers. This year's program was packed with timely information, unique to the field of Church HR, and it wouldn't have been possible without the passion and commitment of our NACPA members. Your efforts highlight what is the most treasured resource of NACPA membership; your generosity of shared expertise and knowledge. Convocation 2023 ~ April 30 - May 2, 2023NACPA 2023 Full Program
Convocation 2022 ~ May 1-3, 2022NACPA 2022 Full ProgramNACPA 2022 Closing Awards Banquet Slide Show
Convocation 2021 ~ April 26-28, 2021We wish to thank the Archdiocese of Baltimore, our Speakers and Sponsors for a beautiful and fulfilling convocation! #NACPA2021 kicked off our 50th anniversary — it was indeed an occasion for celebration and charting a course for the next 50. 2021 Session Package Available
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